Should I Advertise on Bing?

I am often asked the question, "Should I advertise on Bing?" It's a valid question, considering the dominance of Google in the search engine market. However, Bing shouldn't be overlooked, and in fact, it could be an untapped opportunity for your business.

Before we dive into the reasons why you should advertise on Bing, let's first understand what Bing is and what it offers.

What is Bing?

Bing is a search engine owned and operated by Microsoft. Launched in 2009, it has since become the second most popular search engine in the world, with a market share of around 6.5% as of 2021. While Google dominates the market with a share of over 86%, Bing still boasts an impressive 12 billion monthly searches.

Bing offers many of the same features as Google, including web search, image search, video search, news search, and maps. Bing also powers Yahoo search, which gives it an even wider reach.

Now that we know what Bing is, let's explore the reasons why you should consider advertising on the platform.

Bing's audience is different from Google's.

While Google may be the dominant player in the search engine market, it's important to remember that not everyone uses it exclusively. In fact, Bing's audience tends to be older and more affluent than Google's.

According to a study by comScore, Bing's audience skews towards those aged 35 and above, with the majority being in the 45-54 age range. In contrast, Google's audience is younger, with the majority being aged 18-34. This means that advertising on Bing could be a great way to reach an older, more affluent audience that may not be as easily reached through Google.

Bing's cost-per-click is often lower than Google's.

One of the biggest benefits of advertising on Bing is that the cost-per-click (CPC) is often lower than Google's. This means that you could potentially get more bang for your buck by advertising on Bing.

According to a study by WordStream, the average CPC on Bing is 33.5% lower than Google's. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses with limited advertising budgets.

Bing's search network includes a wider range of partners.

In addition to powering Yahoo search, Bing's search network also includes a wider range of partners than Google's. This means that your ads could potentially be displayed on a wider range of websites, giving you even more exposure.

Bing's search network includes partners such as AOL, DuckDuckGo, and Amazon's Alexa, as well as a range of smaller search engines and directories. This can be especially beneficial for businesses in niche industries that may not be as easily reached through Google's search network.

Bing offers unique targeting options.

Bing offers some unique targeting options that aren't available on Google. For example, you can target your ads based on the device that the user is using, as well as their location and the time of day.

Bing also offers the ability to target specific industries and job titles, which can be especially beneficial for B2B businesses. This allows you to reach decision-makers and influencers within specific industries, which can help to drive more qualified leads to your business.

Bing's advertising platform is user-friendly.

One of the biggest benefits of advertising on Bing is that the platform is user-friendly and easy to use. If you're already familiar with Google Ads, you'll find that Bing Ads is very similar, making it easy to get started.

Bing Ads also offers a range of helpful tools and resources, including a keyword research tool, conversion tracking, and detailed reporting. This can help you to optimize your campaigns and get the most out of your advertising budget.

Bing's ad format options are diverse.

Bing offers a range of ad format options, including text ads, shopping ads, image ads, and video ads. This allows you to choose the format that works best for your business and your advertising goals.

For example, if you're running an e-commerce store, you may want to consider running shopping ads on Bing. On the other hand, if you're running a B2B business, text ads or image ads may be a better fit.

Bing's conversion rates can be higher than Google's.

While Bing may have a smaller audience than Google, its conversion rates can actually be higher. According to a study by IgnitionOne, Bing's conversion rate is 20-30% higher than Google's.

This is likely due to the fact that Bing's audience tends to be older and more affluent, which can result in a higher propensity to make a purchase. Additionally, Bing's ads tend to be less competitive than Google's, which can lead to a higher conversion rate.

Bing's support team is responsive.

One of the biggest benefits of advertising on Bing is that their support team is known for being responsive and helpful. If you ever have any issues or questions about your ads, you can reach out to Bing's support team and expect a timely response.

Bing also offers a range of helpful resources, including webinars, tutorials, and a community forum. This can be especially beneficial if you're new to advertising on Bing and need help getting started.

Should I Advertise on Bing? The Verdict

So, should you advertise on Bing? The answer is yes, especially if you're looking to reach an older, more affluent audience and have a limited advertising budget. Bing's cost-per-click is often lower than Google's, and their conversion rates can be higher.

Additionally, Bing offers unique targeting options, diverse ad format options, and a user-friendly platform. Their support team is also known for being responsive and helpful.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you should abandon Google Ads altogether. Google still dominates the search engine market, and it's important to have a presence on their platform as well. However, by diversifying your advertising efforts and including Bing in your strategy, you can potentially reach even more customers and drive more conversions to your business.

To get started with advertising on Bing, create a Bing Ads account and start exploring the platform's features and targeting options. Remember to set a clear advertising budget, optimize your campaigns regularly, and track your results using Bing's reporting tools.

Happy advertising!